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Select Board Meeting Minutes 7/22/13
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 7/22/13

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Muriel Lazzarini, Chairperson, Wayne Burkhart and Scott Jenssen
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Susan Gallant for the Monterey News,  Angela Cook, Brendan Fletcher, Chief Backhaus, Maynard Forbes, Maryellen Brown, Bethany Mielke, Donald Torrico and Robert Lazzarini

The board met with Police Chief, Gareth Backhaus to review the following:
1.  Maynard was asked to join the conversation regarding the use of detail officers for Tree Warden work and the complaints raised by Roger Tryon.  Roger expressed concern to Scott Jenssen about the tree warden budget being exhausted on detail officers.  Maynard and Chief Backhaus both stated that using a detail officer is not unusual for contractor work, when there is heavy traffic or unsafe conditions.  Monterey requires that an Officer be present to direct traffic in any of those situation.  Maynard stated that the day in question was actually a dangerous scenario as there were several people present not capable of handling the traffic on RT 23.  The Board agreed that the Police Department handled the situation correctly.
2.  Lockout at the Lake Buel boat ramp.
3.  Purse found at Umpachenee Falls, brought to an officer here, returned to owner.
4.  MVA on Tyringham Rd.
5.  Lost cat reported on Pixley Rd.
6.  False alarm on Sylvan Rd
7.  Lost dog, later located.
8.  Lost money clip on town beach reported – still missing.
9.  Person on Hupi Rd threatened another on Facebook (adults), Pittsfield Police also involved.
10.  The new cruiser arrived on Friday.  Gareth thanked the town for approving this purchase.
11.  Police accident insurance: the Board is hoping to discuss this with our new rep.  Gareth is concerned that the Town may not be adequately covered if someone were to be injured on the job.

The board met with Town Accountant, Maryellen Brown and Town Treasurer, Bethany Mielke to review the following items:
1.  It was brought to the Board’s attention that the Treasurer had made a wire transfer in the amount of $4,987 to the septic loan program which is to be closed.  Bethany was asked to get the particulars on the note to determine the balance to pay off and close as well as to have that payment returned.  If needed, the paperwork for the payment made (above) will be caught up on at the special town meeting held prior to the annual town meeting in May.
2.  Bethany has reviewed her schedule and will start doing the warrants on Monday evenings starting at 4pm as the Board has requested to deal with issues that have occurred with signing of the warrants and mailing of checks.  The warrants will then be signed by the Board on either Monday evening or first thing Tuesday morning and checks will not be mailed until Tuesday afternoon after the Board has signed their approval.
3.  Bethany will continue handling the Berkshire County Retirement and will be attending the upcoming training to deal with the new payroll changes.  She will also continue to handle the collection of premiums from the retirees for health insurance but Melissa will handle all other insurance items/responsibilities for the Select Board.
4.  Although the article was tabled at town meeting the Board confirmed that since the Treasurer will in fact be handling all of payroll she will receive the additional $1,000 making the salary $14,567/yr.
5.  Muriel questioned why the check for set up of the Town Meeting and elections was paid to Shawn Tryon personally and not to the Fire Company or the Fire Department.  Muriel and Scott did not feel that it should go to one person particularly; it should go to the Department or Company as a whole.  Wayne felt that a fireman should either do it as part of their volunteer tasks and have the money go to the Department but if the idea is that this is an extra job that no one is willing to do then the individual should be paid.  The checks that are being held right now will be released.  The Board requested that M. Noe set up a time for the Fire Chief to come in as they have other items to be discussed as well.

The board met with Building Commissioner, Donald Torrico to review the following:
1.  Don advised the Board that the special permit the Wilson McLaughlin House applied for thru the ZBA back in 2009 to change the use from a single family dwelling to municipal use was never acted on (a building permit to change the use has to be applied for and is the only legal way to do this) and the special permit has since expired.  He wanted the Board to be aware since town funds were approved for parts of the project.  He is in contact with the Architect on record who is aware of the problem.  The WMH Committee will need to reapply for another special permit.  Both Muriel and Wayne expressed concern over the need to reapply and asked if it could be finessed in some way.  Don said no and stated that he cannot treat them any differently than anyone else in town.  This is no different than a special permit being requested for a structure, if the building permit isn’t applied for within the 2 years then it expires and will need to be reapplied for.  Building permits for the work they have been doing have been applied for as a single family dwelling not a municipal use.  Robert Lazzarini suggested that since they will have to re-file the town should waive the filing fee of $300.  Don later stated that this permit may fall under the permit extension act and will not require another filing.
2.  Don has met with the owner of 31 Main Rd and the abutters regarding the storm water management plan for the access road to the cell tower.  Don stated that the building permits have been issued for the antennas.  Don estimates another 2 months at least before the tower is live.  Eugene Bounous has stated he will be applying for a new special permit to change the location of the detention pond so that he can use that area as another building lot.  The applicant would incur any additional expenses that the ZBA may require for a professional to review new plans submitted.
3.  Don will not have office hours for the next 2 weeks as he will be on vacation and at school but he will be checking the voicemails and emails regularly.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  The Board interviewed Angela Cook for the position of Accountant.  Angela has worked as the Town Accountant in Lenox and Richmond.  She is unavailable to be in the office during the day during the week but can come in the evenings (after 3:30) or on weekends.  She has been working with the Softright program since 1993.  She would be available to start immediately if hired.  Angela will forward her references to M. Noe.
2.  The Board interviewed Brendan Fletcher for the position of Accountant.  He will be getting a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting in December from the University of Massachusetts and intends to stay in the area.  Brendan stated that his schedule is flexible and he would be available during the week, working hours.  Brendan is aware of the differences in municipal and normal accounting but doesn’t currently have work experience in either.  He provided his references to the Board and noted that he had responded to the article in the Monterey News for the accountant position.
3.  The Board reviewed all of the applicants that have applied for the position of Accountant.  The Board agreed to offer the position to Brendan to start immediately at a salary of $13,560/yr for a 3 year appointment with a 6 month probationary period.
4.  The Board reviewed and approved/accepted the pay rate schedule as was recommended by the auditor’s.  Copies will be given to the Treasurer and Accountant.
5.  The minutes from 7.15.13 were approved as written.
6.  The Board approved a special event all alcohol request for a Bidwell House event.
7.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  Notice from DEP about the Giant Hogweed.
b.  Final copies of the audit findings from Melanson & Heath.
c.  Quarterly report from the Friends of Wilson McLaughlin
8.  Warrants were signed.
9.  The Board asked M. Noe to have Maryellen email all the departments with a final date to submit FY13 bills.
10.  The Board requested that M. Noe set up a time for someone from the Parks Commission to come in to discuss the confusion at Lake Garfield on who is allowed to access it.  Scott stated that this is a great pond and is public; access cannot be limited to Monterey residents.  Recently there have been some groups asked to leave because they were not residents.  M. Noe stated that she has been talking with the Parks Commission about this and a resolution is being sought.
11.  Inter-Departmental Secretary’s weekly report reviewed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 10:55am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Executive Secretary
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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